Application Document Checklist

For all applicants, completed documents are required to assess admission and apply student pass.

Students can follow the checklist below to prepare documents and send to


Documents required for student:

    1.One (1) copy of completed Course Application Form.

    2.One (1) photocopy of original passport’s bio-data page.

    3.Two passport-sized photographs with white background.

   4.One (1) photocopy of original Birth Certificate.

   5.Diphtheria and Measles Vaccination Requirement: HPB Reference Number (if the applicant is 12 years old and below).

   6.One (1) photocopy of highest educational certificates or proof of recent study.

   7.One (1) photocopy of highest educational transcripts.

   8.One (1) photocopy of the student pass or notification for cancellation of student pass, visit pass and embarkation form (For applicant transferred from other schools in Singapore).


Documents Required for Parents and Siblings:

1.One (1) photocopy of original passport’s bio-data page (Parents and Siblings).

2.If parents and siblings hold the passes issued by Ministry of Manpower (MOM) or Immigration Checkpoint Authority (ICA), A photocopy of the passes must be provided.

3.If the parents are divorced or remarried, they need to provide:

  1) divorce certificate

  2) children’s Official Legal Custody Papers

  3) marriage certificate (if remarried)

  4) a Statutory Declaration from the stepfather/stepmother that he/she has accepted the applicant as a member of his/her family, and is maintaining the applicant by providing accommodation, clothing, food and education as may be reasonable having regards to his/her means and station in life.

4.If parents / spouses are Singaporeans or permanent residents of Singapore, they need to provide:

1)A photocopy of Singapore NRIC

2) Highest Certificate

3) Monthly CPF contribution for the past 12 months

4) Income Tax Assessment Notices for the past 3 years

5) Letter of Employment,please refer to No. 

5.One (1) photocopy of parents’ letter of employment (printed on companies’ letter head, stating date of commencement of  employment, 

designation and salary per month) or copies of  Business Registration Certificate if parents are self-employed.These documents should not be issued more than 1 month ago.

6.One (1) photocopy of bank statement (Saving Account and/or Current Account) or fixed deposit.



1.Upon receipt of complete set of required documents, school would only consider the student application. If documents are not in English, official translations are compulsory.

2.For local student, it is not necessary to apply for student pass.

en English