1. The Student Contract is an important legal agreement between Elmwood International College. It is a critical document that helps to minimize future disputes and hence it has to be completely understood by the student prior to enrolment.
  2. Our school will explain clearly the contents of the Student Contract to the students and if necessary, in native language.
  3. Our school use the Standard PEI-Student Contract provided by CPE, which includes the detailed breakdown of total fee payable by the student. The Sample of the Standard PEI-Student Contract used by school is available on the website.
  4. Our school sign an individualised student contract with each full-time/part-time student.
  5. Each contract is valid only for admission to one course.
  6. For any amendment made which constitute to a change in the original intent, both students and the school must sign beside the amendment(s) on both sets of the Standard PEI-Student Contract.
  7. No field shall be left blank in the Standard PEI-Student Contract. Where it is non-applicable, it will be filled with “N.A.”.
  8. Our school will provide the student with a cooling-off period of Ten (10) calendar days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties. In the event where the student submits a written notice of withdrawal to school within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the student has started the course or not, school shall refund the student the highest percentage (stated in the Refund Table) of the fees already paid.
  9. Our school will explain to the student that the standard contract also captures special conditions, if any, that school has mutually agreed with the student at the point of recruitment, for example, any discounts granted.
  • Sample of the Standard PEI-Student Contract used by school is available on CPE website. 
  • Click here to download a copy of Standard PEI-Student Contract.
  • Click here to view our school Student Contract Execution Procedure.

a) Application Fee

Application fee SG$300 is non-refundable and will not be protected under the Fee Protection Scheme.

  • Payment modes: Cash, SGD crossed cheque, Telegraphic Transfer and Interbank Transfer.

b) Course Fees

The course fee is refundable and will be subjected to Elmwood International College’s refund policy.

  • Payment modes: Cash, SGD crossed cheque, Telegraphic Transfer and Interbank Transfer.
  • Payable to: Elmwood International College Pte. Ltd.

c) Miscellaneous Fees

  • Payment modes: Cash, cheque, Telegraphic Transfer and Interbank Transfer.

Note: Miscellaneous fee will not be protected under the Fee Protection Scheme.


  • All miscellaneous fees and amounts will be spelt out in the Standard PEI-Student Contract.
  • We only accept payment in Singapore Dollars.

d) Late Payment Charges

Students are required to make payment of their course fees on-time as stated in the Standard PEI-Student Contract. Elmwood International College may impose late payment charges if payments are not received by the stipulated due dates.

Facilities & Infrastructure


Student Corner

Well-equipped and air-conditioned Classrooms

Wireless Internet Connection

Smart Boards

Science Lab (External Venue)

Safety & Security


Fire Drills

No-Smoking Premises

Visitor Pass system

Haze SOP

SOP for Managing Instructions with Malicious Intent

Risk Assessment System Management

Admission & Orientation

Admission Services

Orientation Programme for newly enrolled students

Accommodation (hostel) referrals

Student Services

Fee Protection Scheme

Medical Insurance

Refund of Course Fee

Transfer/ Withdrawal/ decrement/ Renewal of Course

Appeal for Results

Dispute Resolution

Face-to-Face Meetings

Feedback and Complaint

Confidentiality and Security of Student Information

Academic Support & Holistic Development

Holistic Education Programme

Course Induction

Academic Performance Monitoring

Academic Enhancement and Support Services

Individual Study Plan

Bonding Activities

Student Activities

Enrichment Programs

School Scholarship Program


Pre-Course Counselling

Student Guidance Officer

General Counselling

Pastoral Counselling

Academic Counselling

External Professional Counselling Service

Progression & Career Support

Career and Academic Advice

Progression Pathway Advice

Feedback & Communication

General Services

Students’ Voices

Student Portal

School Alumni




School Website

Feedback & Suggestion Scheme

Channels for Feedback and Complaint


Result Release

All students are informed of their assessment results through the following avenues:

Students enrolled in our Academic programmes will be informed of their assessment results when they receive their Student Performance Reports issued at the end of each Quarterly Test.
Students enrolled in our Diploma programmes will be informed of their assessment results:
For each module through the Result Slip.
For the entire course through their respective transcript and certificate, when all graduation requirements have been fulfilled.

Student Performance data is readily available to our students and graduates upon request. Kindly contact the school to process your request.


Result Appeal

Elmwood International School has a policy on appeal for final results. Students can apply for an appeal of their final results by requesting a re-marking of specific assessment papers. Such a
request has to be submitted within 7 working days from the date of release of the final results to the Head, Academic & Examinations.
Students may submit an appeal for review of results using the Exam Results/Re-sitting Appeal Form, citing reasons for their appeal. This appeal must be submitted.
The request will be surfaced to the Examination Board for approval and a re-marking of the student’s assessment scripts will be arranged. The results from the re-marking will be presented to the Examination Board for approval before releasing the outcome of the appeal to the student.
The approved results from re-marking will supersede the earlier results and be considered as final.
For each assessment paper, students can only appeal for re-marking of their assessment papers once.


Re-sitting Appeal

Elmwood International College has a policy with regard to re-sitting of assessments. Re-sitting of assessment will be conducted within two weeks from the date of release of results.

For students who wish to request a re-sitting of their assessment, they need to submit the Exam Results/Re-sitting Appeal Form within one week from the date of release of the final results to the Head, Academic & Examinations.

The request will be surfaced to the Principal for approval and upon approval by the Principal, a re-sitting will be arranged. The results of the re-assessment will be presented to the
Examination Board for approval before they are communicated to the students concerned.

The approved results from re-marking will supersede the earlier results and be considered as final.



EImwood International College works within the following timelines for the processing and release of the final exam results and appeal results:

For Academic Programmes:

Release of Quarterly Assessment results – within 4 weeks after completion of the final paper of the Quarterly Assessment

Release of approved results from re-marking – within 4 weeks from the official date of release of assessment results (or 3 weeks from the close of the appeal period)

For Diploma Programmes:

Release of examination result and final marks for the entire module – within 3 months from the date of the final examination

Release of approved results from re-marking – within 4 weeks from the official date of release of assessment results (or 3 weeks from the close of the appeal period)


Click here to download Exam Results/Re-sitting Appeal Form. All students are informed of their
assessment results through the following avenues:

Students enrolled in our Academic programmes will be informed of their assessment results when they receive their Student Performance Reports issued at the end of each Quarterly Test.

Students enrolled in our Diploma programmes will be informed of their assessment results:

For each module through the Result Slip.

For the entire course through their respective transcript and certificate, when all graduation requirements have been fulfilled.

Student Performance data is readily available to our students and graduates upon request. Kindly contact the school to process your request.

  1. The Group Fee Protection Scheme (FPS-G) serves to protect the total course fees (exclude application fee and miscellaneous fee) paid by the students.
  2. In the event that Elmwood International College is unable to continue its operations due to insolvency and/or regulatory closure; students can claim that unconsumed fees from the FPS provider.
  3. FPS is compulsory for all students (regardless of nationality and the type of passes) taking courses at our school except courses with waiver granted by Committee for Private Education (CPE).
  4. Elmwood International College has appointed Lonpac Insurance Bhd as our FPS Insurance provider, a CPE appointed FPS service provider.
  5. Elmwood International College is strictly not allowed to collect course fee beyond 12 months.
  6. Student will receive a copy of the Certificate of Insurance (COI) from school and also a copy from the FPS Insurance Provider through email.
  7. Please click here to view the Lonpac Insurance Certificate (Policy No. Z24BX01139579). 
  8. More details of the FPS can also be found in the FPS Instruction Manual, available at CPE’s website.

Medical Insurance Coverage for hospitalization and related medical treatment for the entire course duration.

All our students have to be covered by medical insurance. Those who are already covered by their own medical insurance plans, can opt out of the medical insurance scheme but need to provide a copy of their medical insurance to school for record.

Under EImwood International College, the coverage under the medical insurance policy as per arrangement with Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd is as follow:

  • Annual overall limit of S$20,000 per student;
  • At least B2 ward (in government and restructured hospitals);
  • 24 hours coverage in Singapore and overseas (if student is involved in school-related activities).

Students will be given a copy of the Product Summary and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with information on the policy terms and conditions, the claim procedure, any exclusion, etc.

  • Click here for Group Medical Insurance Certificate 2024, .
  • Click here for Group Medical Insurance Coverage Confirmation Letter 2024.
  • Click here for Product Summary and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Click here for Claim form on Group Hospital and Surgical.

Please approach the Student Services Department for more information if required.

Elmwood International College has a Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct is intended to guide students’ conduct so that they can have a meaningful and enjoyable learning experience in our school. Students studying in our school are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct which includes the following areas:

  • Attendance
  • Attire and Appearance
  • Attitudes and Behavior


A serious or persistent failure to comply with our Student Code of Conduct could result in disciplinary action, including the following:

  • verbal warning
  • counselling
  • written warning
  • detention
  • suspension
  • dismissal
  • police report


  • Students are required to attend and be punctual for all lessons.
  • Absence from lessons or official functions must be accompanied by a medical certificate or official leave approval.
  • Student’s attendance is monitored for each lesson and lateness of more than 30 minutes will be considered as absenteeism.

Attire and Appearance:

All students must be properly attired with covered shoes while in college and at Elmwood International College-organised activities, events or functions, including co-curricular activities outside of Elmwood International College..

– No torn clothing or singlet shall be worn at any time.
– Skirts for female students should be at least knee-length.

Students are expected to keep their appearance neat and tidy.

1. Male students must be neat in appearance.
   i. Hair must be neat and short. Hair must not be dyed.
   ii. Earrings or ear studs are not allowed.
   iii. Nails must be kept short and clean.

2. Female student must be neat in appearance.
   i. Long hair must be plaited or tied up neatly
   ii. Hair must not be tainted or dyed.
   iii. Wearing of make-up is not allowed.
   iv. Multiple earrings are not allowed.
   v. Nails must be kept short, and clean without nail polish.
   vi. Accessories like hair clips and hair bands must be in dark blue or black.

Attitudes and Behaviour

  • Students should be respectful and courteous in their behaviour toward staff, fellow students and members of the public within and outside of Elmwood International College.
  • Students should avoid acts which will bring disrepute to themselves and school, or are harmful towards good order and discipline in the school.
  • Students should not commit acts of disturbance within or outside of Elmwood International College.
  • Students should also refrain from behaviour such as theft, molestation, bodily harm and threat of suicide which are harmful, intimidating, humiliating, immoral or indecent towards others and self.
  • Students should comply with and observe any such rules and regulations as may be made from time to time by the school.
  • Student is not allowed to use mobile devices during lesson time.
  • Students should keep the school environment clean at all times. Rubbish and items to be disposed of must be thrown into assigned disposal bins provided by the school.
  • Students should complete all assigned work.
  • Students should notify Student Services Staff of any changes in their personal particulars (i.e. changes of address or telephone number etc.).
  • Persistent undesirable behaviour, non-compliance with tutorial work will result in disciplinary action against the student.
  • Student caught vandalizing school properties will be handed over to the police according to the severity of the damage. The student will bear the full cost of repair or replacement of damaged item(s).