Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level)
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level)
Course Information
The Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level) is a widely international qualification that is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Elmwood International College has specially designed an effective Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level) to prepare both local and international students for the Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level) examination administered by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE). Through our customised and intensive programme, students will be equipped with knowledge and skills needed to meet the standards for passing the Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level (AS/A Level) examination. The aim is to ensure that students eventually gain their university degrees that will aid their entry into the working world. The subjects that are taught follow the CAIE’s Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level syllabuses closely.
Modules offered
Core module: English Chinese Elementary Mathematics Chemistry Physics
Electives Business Accounting Economics Geography History
Extra University Planning Physics Education Information and Communication Technology Team Activity/Co-curricular Activities
Course Duration
Full time, 12 months, 5 weekdays, 6 hours daily
Full time, 24 months, 5 weekdays, 6 hours daily
Course Admission Requirements
Age requirement
Academic requirement
Language requirement
Course for Cambridge International Examinations (Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level) (12 months)
Completed 10 years of education
Achieve 50% or more for the Upper Secondary English Placement Test
Course for Cambridge International Examinations (Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level) (24 months)
Completed 10 years of education
Achieve 50% or more for the Lower Secondary English Placement Test
Course Commencement Day
First Monday of January, April, July, October
Course Fees
    1.    Application fee: SG$500 (non-refundable)
    2.    Total Course fee: SG$30,900 (12 months),           SG$56,900 (24months)
    3.    International student Administration fee: SG$1,000Â
4.       ICA student pass processing fee: SG$135 (Payable to ICA)
5.       Payment modes: Cash, Cheque, Telegraphic Transfer
6.       School Account Details:
 Account Number: 689-373-694-001
 Bank Name: OCBC Bank
Mode of Assessment
Internal Assessment
SummativeAssessment Tests will be conducted for all modules indicated above.
External Assessment
Student can register for the Cambridge International Examinations (Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level) examination conducted in June annually.
Course Completion
Students must achieve at least 90% attendance and not be absent for more than 7 consecutive days without valid reason