1. The Student Contract is an important legal agreement between Elmwood International College. It is a critical document that helps to minimize future disputes and hence it has to be completely understood by the student prior to enrolment.
  2. Our school will explain clearly the contents of the Student Contract to the students and if necessary, in native language.
  3. Our school use the Standard PEI-Student Contract provided by CPE, which includes the detailed breakdown of total fee payable by the student. The Sample of the Standard PEI-Student Contract used by school is available on the website.
  4. Our school sign an individualised student contract with each full-time/part-time student.
  5. Each contract is valid only for admission to one course.
  6. For any amendment made which constitute to a change in the original intent, both students and the school must sign beside the amendment(s) on both sets of the Standard PEI-Student Contract.
  7. No field shall be left blank in the Standard PEI-Student Contract. Where it is non-applicable, it will be filled with “N.A.”.
  8. Our school will provide the student with a cooling-off period of Ten (10) calendar days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties. In the event where the student submits a written notice of withdrawal to school within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the student has started the course or not, school shall refund the student the highest percentage (stated in the Refund Table) of the fees already paid.
  9. Our school will explain to the student that the standard contract also captures special conditions, if any, that school has mutually agreed with the student at the point of recruitment, for example, any discounts granted.
  • Sample of the Standard PEI-Student Contract used by school is available on CPE website. 
  • Click here to download a copy of Standard PEI-Student Contract.
  • Click here to view our school Student Contract Execution Procedure.

a) Application Fee

Application fee SG$300 is non-refundable and will not be protected under the Fee Protection Scheme.

  • Payment modes: Cash, SGD crossed cheque, Telegraphic Transfer and Interbank Transfer.

b) Course Fees

The course fee is refundable and will be subjected to Elmwood International College’s refund policy.

  • Payment modes: Cash, SGD crossed cheque, Telegraphic Transfer and Interbank Transfer.
  • Payable to: Elmwood International College Pte. Ltd.

c) Miscellaneous Fees

  • Payment modes: Cash, cheque, Telegraphic Transfer and Interbank Transfer.

Note: Miscellaneous fee will not be protected under the Fee Protection Scheme.


  • All miscellaneous fees and amounts will be spelt out in the Standard PEI-Student Contract.
  • We only accept payment in Singapore Dollars.

d) Late Payment Charges

Students are required to make payment of their course fees on-time as stated in the Standard PEI-Student Contract. Elmwood International College may impose late payment charges if payments are not received by the stipulated due dates.


Elmwood International College provides a variety of student support services to meet the needs of the students studying in Singapore and to enhance their educational experience.  These include:
  • Medical Insurance
  • Pastoral Counselling and mental well-being
  • Accommodation and Transport
  • Bonding Activities and students’ mental well-being
  • Scholarship and financial assistance scheme
  • Close collaboration with parent/legal guardian for students under 18 years of age
  • Elmwood International College shall encourage staff and students to participate in wellness activities to promote mental well-being and to maintain a healthy lifestyle through various activities
  • The Course Counsellor will advise prospective students on the courses which best suit their needs, interest, and abilities during the Pre-course Counselling.
  • For students who have completed their studies in Elmwood International College, Head, Academic and Examinations will follow up with them to find out whether they wish to pursue further studies or seek employment.
Dispute Resolution

Students may raise any complaints or disputes to the school through the Feedback / Suggestion Form or email at complaint@elmwood.edu.sg. Upon receipt of the complaints or disputes, the Finance and Administration Department gives an acknowledgement to the complainant.

For straightforward cases, the Finance and Administration Department can issue an initial response to the disputes. The Finance and Administration will provide an opportunity for a full discussion of the grievance with the aggrieved student and record details/ resolution in the “Feedback / Suggestion Form”.

Elmwood International College’s dispute resolution policy adopts the SSG Mediation – Arbitration Scheme which is jointly drawn up with the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC), and the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb), and is designed to provide students and private education institutions (PEI) a quick and affordable way of resolving disagreements.

Should there be any issues that cannot be resolved internally or remains unresolved, the student/parent/complainant shall be encouraged to approach the SSG’s Student Services Centre (SSC) for help.

At the SSC, the officers will review the complaints and may refer the matter to the CPE Mediation – Arbitration Scheme.

Transfer shall mean that the student changes the course or period of study (from full-time to part-time or vice versa) but remains as a student of Elmwood International al College.

When the student intends to transfer course, he/she will have to submit the Course Transfer Form and submits it to the Student Services Staff (to be signed by parents/guardians if below 18 years old).

The Course Counsellor will conduct a Pre-Course Counselling for the intended course, discuss with student the reasons for his/her wanting to transfer, and explains to the student the implications on the application on his/her student pass (if applicable).

The Course Counsellor will also inform the student upon approval of the transfer and ensuring that the student is suitable for the course and meeting course admission requirements as well as verifying the originality of supporting documents submitted by student.

If the student still decides to go ahead with the application for a Course Transfer after the discussion, the Student Services Staff shall obtain the Principal / CEO’s approval for the transfer.

Upon approval a letter/email will be issued to the student / parent / guardian to inform him/her about the outcome of the transfer application.

Deferment shall mean that the student delays or postpones the course (or module).  As a policy, Course/Module Deferment is generally not encouraged unless on compassionate grounds, and approval is granted at the sole discretion of the Principal / CEO.

Elmwood International College adopts the following principles in considering a student’s application for deferment:

  • Students can only apply for deferment once in each course
  • The deferment period cannot be longer than 06 months.
  • The granting/approval of deferment will depend on the availability of the course/modules that the student missed during the deferment period.

When the student intends to request for a deferment of the course, he/she will have to submit a Course Deferment Form with valid reason(s) and supporting documentary evidence.

The Head of Academic and Examinations will meet up with the student to discuss the reasons for application and length of deferment.

If the student is below age of 18, approval from the students’ parents/guardians will be required before processing the application.

The Deferment request will be submitted to the Principal / CEO for approval.

Upon approval a letter/email will be issued to the student / parent / guardian to inform him/her about the outcome of the deferment application

Withdrawal shall mean that the student discontinues all courses with Elmwood International College.

If a student withdraws within the Cooling-Off Period, Elmwood International College shall return all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid to it within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the written notice.

If a student withdraws at any time before the Course Completion Date, Elmwood International College shall within seven (7) working days, refund to the student such amount (if any) as determined in accordance with Schedule D stated in the student contract.

When a student intends to withdraw from Elmwood International College, he she will have to submit a Withdrawal & Refund Request Form. The Head, Academic and Examinations will meet up with the student to discuss the reasons for the withdrawal.

If the student still decides to go ahead with the withdrawal request, and if the student is below the age of 18, Student Services Staff will seek approval from the students’ parents/guardians before processing the application.

The Student Services Staff submits the Withdrawal Request to the Principal / CEO for approval.

Upon approval a letter/email will be issued to the student / parent / guardian to inform him/her about the outcome of the withdrawal application

Renewal shall mean that the student wishes to repeat the course.

Renewal may arise where the student has failed to pass the exam set for the course, or the student simply wishes to improve on his existing score for the course.

Elmwood International College adopts the following principles in considering a student’s application for course renewal:

  • Renewal shall be handled/treated as new enrolment and a new contract will be signed.
  • Renewal will not be allowed before the completion of the existing course.
  • Student must have attained attendance record of 95 % and above
  • Student have no negative disciplinary issues/record
  • Student has completed the instalment obligations (payments) for all overdue fees of the existing course (if any) and returns outstanding property (if any) such as library books etc.
  • The renewal request is subject to ICA’s approval and the Principal / CEO approval

When the student intends to request for a renewal or wish to repeat the course, he/she will have to submit a Course Renewal Application Form with valid reason(s) and supporting documentary evidence.

The Head of Academic and Examinations will meet up with the student to discuss the reasons for application.

If the student is below the age of 18, approval from the students’ parents/guardians will be required before processing the application.

The Student Service Staff will process the renewal application as a new enrolment and the selection and admission process including signing a new contract applies.

The Renewal request will be submitted to the Principal / CEO for approval.

Upon approval a letter/email will be issued to the student / parent / guardian to inform him/her about the outcome of the renewal application

Result Release

All students are informed of their assessment results through the following avenues:

Students enrolled in our Academic programmes will be informed of their assessment results when they receive their Student Performance Reports issued at the end of each Quarterly Test.
Students enrolled in our Diploma programmes will be informed of their assessment results:
For each module through the Result Slip.
For the entire course through their respective transcript and certificate, when all graduation requirements have been fulfilled.

Student Performance data is readily available to our students and graduates upon request. Kindly contact the school to process your request.


Result Appeal

Elmwood International School has a policy on appeal for final results. Students can apply for an appeal of their final results by requesting a re-marking of specific assessment papers. Such a
request has to be submitted within 7 working days from the date of release of the final results to the Head, Academic & Examinations.
Students may submit an appeal for review of results using the Exam Results/Re-sitting Appeal Form, citing reasons for their appeal. This appeal must be submitted.
The request will be surfaced to the Examination Board for approval and a re-marking of the student’s assessment scripts will be arranged. The results from the re-marking will be presented to the Examination Board for approval before releasing the outcome of the appeal to the student.
The approved results from re-marking will supersede the earlier results and be considered as final.
For each assessment paper, students can only appeal for re-marking of their assessment papers once.


Re-sitting Appeal

Elmwood International College has a policy with regard to re-sitting of assessments. Re-sitting of assessment will be conducted within two weeks from the date of release of results.

For students who wish to request a re-sitting of their assessment, they need to submit the Exam Results/Re-sitting Appeal Form within one week from the date of release of the final results to the Head, Academic & Examinations.

The request will be surfaced to the Principal for approval and upon approval by the Principal, a re-sitting will be arranged. The results of the re-assessment will be presented to the
Examination Board for approval before they are communicated to the students concerned.

The approved results from re-marking will supersede the earlier results and be considered as final.



EImwood International College works within the following timelines for the processing and release of the final exam results and appeal results:

For Academic Programmes:

Release of Quarterly Assessment results – within 4 weeks after completion of the final paper of the Quarterly Assessment

Release of approved results from re-marking – within 4 weeks from the official date of release of assessment results (or 3 weeks from the close of the appeal period)

For Diploma Programmes:

Release of examination result and final marks for the entire module – within 3 months from the date of the final examination

Release of approved results from re-marking – within 4 weeks from the official date of release of assessment results (or 3 weeks from the close of the appeal period)

Click here to download Exam Results/Re-sitting Appeal Form. All students are informed of their
assessment results through the following avenues:

Students enrolled in our Academic programmes will be informed of their assessment results when they receive their Student Performance Reports issued at the end of each Quarterly Test.

Students enrolled in our Diploma programmes will be informed of their assessment results:

For each module through the Result Slip.

For the entire course through their respective transcript and certificate, when all graduation requirements have been fulfilled.

Student Performance data is readily available to our students and graduates upon request. Kindly contact the school to process your request.

  1. The Group Fee Protection Scheme (FPS-G) serves to protect the total course fees (exclude application fee and miscellaneous fee) paid by the students.
  2. In the event that EIC is unable to continue its operations due to insolvency and/or regulatory closure; students can claim that unconsumed fees from the FPS provider.
  3. FPS is compulsory for all students (regardless of nationality and the type of passes) taking courses at our school.
  4. Elmwood International College has appointed Lonpac Insurance Bhd as our FPS Insurance provider, a SSG appointed FPS service provider.
  5. Elmwood International College is strictly not allowed to collect course fee beyond 12 months.
  6. Please click here to view the Lonpac Insurance Certificate. 
  7. More details of the FPS can also be found in the FPS Instruction Manual, available at SSG’s website.

Elmwood International College has in place a fair and reasonable Refund Policy for payment made and if it is necessary to give a refund, the maximum processing time of not more than 7 working days shall be the timeframe to execute the refund.

Students who were enrolled before 1 April 2024, the refund policy and procedure shall remain unchanged and in accordance to the Standard PEI-Student Contract version 3.1 they had signed with Elmwood International College.

Effective 1 April 2024, Elmwood International College’s adopted the PEI-Student Contract Version 4.0 and the refund policy shall be in line and comply with the policy stated in the PEI-Student Contract version 4.0, Clause 3 TERMINATION AND REFUND POLICY as follows:


The PEI will notify the Student in writing within three (3) working days after becoming aware of any of the following (each a “Refund Event”):

(a)    It cannot commence the provision of the Course on the Course Commencement Date;

(b)    It cannot complete the provision of the Course by the Course Completion Date;

(c)     The Course will be terminated before the Course Completion Date;

(d)    The Student does not meet the course entry or matriculation requirements as stated in Schedule A; or

(e)    The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore (the “ICA”) rejects the Student’s application for the Student Pass.


Where any of the Refund Events in Clause 3.1(a) to (c) above has occurred:

(a)   The PEI shall use reasonable efforts to make alternative study arrangements for the Student and shall propose such alternative study arrangements in writing to the Contracting Party, within ten (10) working days of informing the Contracting Party of the Refund Event.

(b)   If the Contracting Party accepts such alternative study arrangements, the PEI shall set forth such alternative study arrangements in a written contract and this Contract shall automatically terminate on the date that such new written contract comes into effect.

(c)    If the PEI does not propose alternative study arrangements to the Contracting Party within the time stipulated in Clause 3.2(a) above, or the Contracting Party does not accept such alternative study arrangements, the Contracting Party may forthwith terminate this Contract by way of a written notice to the PEI.


Where any of the Refund Events in Clauses 3.1(d) to (e) has occurred, the PEI shall forthwith terminate this Contract by way of a written notice to the Contracting Party.


If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(b) read with Clause 3.1(a), the PEI shall refund all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid by the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.


If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(b) read with either Clause 3.1(b) or Clause 3.1(c), the PEI shall refund the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees in proportion to the uncompleted portion or duration of the Course, whichever is higher, to the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.


If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.3 or Clause 3.2(c) read with Clause 3.1(a), the PEI shall refund all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid by the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.


If the Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 3.2(c) read with either Clause 3.1(b) or Clause 3.1(c), the PEI shall refund the Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees in proportion to the uncompleted portion or duration of the Course, whichever is higher, to the Contracting Party within seven (7) working days of the termination.


Refund for Withdrawal During the Cooling-Off Period:

Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Contracting Party shall be entitled to, without any liability whatsoever to the PEI, forthwith terminate the Contract at any time within the Cooling-Off Period by way of a written notice to the PEI. The PEI shall return all Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid to it within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the written notice.


Refund for Withdrawal Outside the Cooling-Off Period: 

Without prejudice to Clauses 3.1 to 3.8 above, the Contracting Party may terminate the Contract at any time before the Course Completion Date by providing a written notice to the PEI. Upon receipt of such notice, the PEI shall within seven (7) working days, refund to the Contracting Party such amount (if any) as determined in accordance with Schedule D.

Refund Policy

% of [the amount of Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees paid under Schedules B and C]

If the Contracting Party’s written notice of withdrawal is received:


more than 30 working days before the Course Commencement Date


on or before, but not more than 30 working days before the Course Commencement Date


after, but not more than 7 working days after the Course Commencement Date


more than 7 working days after the Course Commencement Date

Non-refundable and Miscellaneous Fees:

Non-refundable and Miscellaneous fees are non-compulsory fee paid for charges that the student paid on account of, or arising from, the student’s undertaking of the course for services rendered or products purchased, and they are utilised/consumed. Elmwood International College’s non-refundable and miscellaneous fees are stated in Schedule C of the student contract. Such fees are normally collected when the need arises:

Type and Purpose of Fees

Amount (with GST, if any)


Course Application Fee (non-refundable)

Full amount

Late Payment Fee (non-refundable)

ICA Application Fee (non-refundable)

Student Access ID/Card (non-refundable)

Course Transfer Fee (non-refundable)

Medical Insurance (non-refundable)

Appeal for Results (non-refundable)

Course Renewal Fee (non-refundable)

Text Books (non-refundable)

Examination Fee (non-refundable if collected less than two (2) months before examination date)

When a student submits an application for Transfer, Withdrawal or over paid the course fee, the Student Services Staff shall check if the student is eligible for refund. If the student is eligible for refund, the Finance Staff shall work out the eligible refund amount and execute the refund to the student within 7 working days.

Medical Insurance Coverage for hospitalization and related medical treatment for the entire course duration.

All our students have to be covered by medical insurance. Those who are already covered by their own medical insurance plans, can opt out of the medical insurance scheme but need to provide a copy of their medical insurance to school for record.

Under EImwood International College, the coverage under the medical insurance policy as per arrangement with Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd is as follow:

  • Annual overall limit of S$20,000 per student;
  • At least B2 ward (in government and restructured hospitals);
  • 24 hours coverage in Singapore and overseas (if student is involved in school-related activities).

Students will be given a copy of the Product Summary and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with information on the policy terms and conditions, the claim procedure, any exclusion, etc.

  • Click here for Group Medical Insurance Certificate 2025, .
  • Click here for Group Medical Insurance Coverage Confirmation Letter 2025.
  • Click here for Product Summary and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Click here for Claim form on Group Hospital and Surgical.

Please approach the Student Services Department for more information if required.

Elmwood International College has a Code of Conduct for students. Students studying in Elmwood International College are expected to abide by this Code of Conduct which includes the following   areas:

Respect for Others: Students are expected to treat all members of the college community with respect, including peers, teachers, staff, and visitors. This includes refraining from bullying, harassment, discrimination, or any behaviour that may cause harm or offense to others.


Respect for Property: Students are expected to respect college property, as well as the property of others. This includes refraining from vandalism, theft, or any other actions that may damage or disrupt the college environment.


Academic Integrity: Students are expected to uphold principles of academic honesty and integrity. This includes refraining from cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of academic dishonesty.

Attendance and Punctuality: Students are expected to attend all classes and arrive on time. Excessive absences or tardiness may be subject to disciplinary action.


Dress Code: Students are expected to adhere to the college’s dress code policy, which may include guidelines regarding appropriate attire, grooming, and personal appearance.


Use of Technology: Students are expected to use technology responsibly and in accordance with school policies. This includes guidelines for the use of electronic devices, internet access, and social media.


Safety and Security: Students are expected to contribute to a safe and secure school environment. This includes following safety procedures, reporting any concerns or incidents, and cooperating with school staff during emergencies.


Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco: Students are expected to refrain from the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or other controlled substances on college property or at events organised by the college.


Conflict Resolution: Students are encouraged to resolve conflicts peacefully and respectfully, using appropriate channels such as mediation, counselling, or seeking assistance from college staff when necessary.

Consequences for Violations: The code of conduct should outline the potential consequences for violations, which may include warnings, suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary measures, depending on the severity of the infraction.